First appearing in the Ozaukee NewsGraphic on July 29, Mequon resident Amber Schroeder explains the need for recalling MTSD Board Members.
MTSD: We deserve more from our board!
By Amber Schroeder
MTSD Community: It’s time to expect more from our schools, and that falls squarely on electing a school board that is committed to academic excellence above all. One that is actively engaged, represents the community’s interests, and fosters stakeholder engagement.
With thousands of supporters ranging from both political parties and nearly 100 volunteers, this recall effort isn’t political, although some seem intent on drawing such lines. This recall is about every parent and resident who want to reverse MTSD’s declining academic performance and expects our School Board to represent all stakeholders. In fact, we want to remove all politics from the classroom and focus on what’s best for our kid’s academic interests.
Academic performance: Anecdotal experience and personal opinion have merit, but at the end of the day, it’s facts that matter. (Data from MTSD’s milestone website 2016-2021). Tax levy per student is up 21% in recent years, with resident enrollment down 4%. The proposed 2021-2022 cost/student actually exceeds Marquette University High School and Divine Savior Holy Angels tuition.
During the same period: Reading proficiency: down 15%. College readiness: down 15%. ACT success: down 15%. Engagement: down 18%. MTSD currently ranks #142 in the state by U.S. News/World Report.
ACT Aspire (2015-2019): In all four major subject areas, students “needing support” increased, while student “exceeding” or “ready” decreased.
Creating excellence clearly hinges on excellent educators. Did you know that the MTSD pays its teachers 3% LESS than similar districts (data from MTSD’s Transparency Center)? It is easier to recruit and retain teachers if our tax dollars are spent on teaching staff and not on hydroponics, consultants, and non-essential administrative positions. Why isn’t the board asking these tough questions?
Dereliction of duty: Our board has become a rubber stamp for the superintendent, providing virtually no diversity of thought. Over the past 18 months, when our students needed their attention and support the most, the entire board routinely abandoned their voting responsibilities to the MTSD superintendent. This dereliction of duty was the last straw, as it sends a clear message that the School Board is no longer advocating for our kids, nor representing the parents of our district. Abdicating the board’s power and responsibilities to the superintendent may have been the easier, more expedient choice, but it has come at great cost to our kids’ mental and academic growth.
This recall is about decentralizing power, creating more community involvement and parent engagement, and electing a board that guides the superintendent and serves its stakeholders—NOT the other way around. Now more than ever, we need a dedicated and empowered board that is willing to make the hard decisions and fight for our kids. We must work together to return MTSD back to the academic excellence we all expect. Nothing is more important for our children and our community.