Standing for the
values of freedom
in Ozaukee County
My present. OUR FUTURE!
Forward Ozaukee, Inc. was formed in 2021 and is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your donations are tax deductible.
Forward Ozaukee was started to amplify the voices and values of everyday Americans in Ozaukee County. We are a group that fills a gap by being a resource for people to find both the information they need as well as connecting other parents, business leaders, and experts in their field to fight for American values.
Led by a mom with six young kids who is passionate about making a difference for her children, her status as a former educator makes efficiency key to sharing resources and teaching everyday citizens to feel comfortable standing up for American values in all aspects of life.
Forward Ozaukee will equip everyone to be a leader in their community by creating courageous individuals to share the values guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin; namely, that people are FREE.
By providing instant access to a variety of resources, people have the tools to feel comfortable engaging in conversations with their neighbors, while presenting and embodying their American values. We are Giving Values Voice!