Upcoming events

Forward Ozaukee Welcomes Lisa Freiberg
Do you have questions about the election process?
Are you concerned about the integrity of elections?
Join us in welcoming Fond du Lac County Clerk, Lisa Freiberg

Cedarburg School Board Meeting
For specific details on this meeting’s agenda, click here.
To access links to both the agenda and further meeting details and information, click here.
If you missed a meeting, videos of past meetings are available if you click here.
Public meeting agendas and minutes are posted here.

Northern Ozaukee School Board Meeting
The Northern Ozaukee School Board meets the third Monday of every month (except for May’s meeting!) at 6:30pm at OMS/OHS Library, 401 Highland Drive, Fredonia.
Find links to all meeting agendas and minutes here.

Mequon-Thiensville School Board Meeting
Detailed agendas and meeting information can be found here.
For more information on the schedule and to register for the livestream click here.

Mequon-Thiensville School Board Meeting
Detailed agendas and meeting information can be found here.
For more information on the schedule and to register for the livestream click here.

Cedarburg School Board Meeting
For specific details on this meeting’s agenda, click here.
To access links to both the agenda and further meeting details and information, click here.
If you missed a meeting, videos of past meetings are available if you click here.
Public meeting agendas and minutes are posted here.

Northern Ozaukee School Board Meeting
The Northern Ozaukee School Board meets the SECOND Monday this month at 6:30pm at OMS/OHS Library, 401 Highland Drive, Fredonia.
Find links to all meeting agendas and minutes here.

Cedarburg School Board Meeting
*Note the change for this month’s meeting-MONDAY, April 24. Same time and location!
At 6:00 there will be a reception, regular meeting begins at 6:30pm.
Thank you to Kevin Kennedy and Hani Malek for their time on the Board!
This month’s agenda includes recommendations for policy updates.
For specific details on this meeting’s agenda, click here.
To access links to both the agenda and further meeting details and information, click here.
If you missed a meeting, videos of past meetings are available if you click here.
Public meeting agendas and minutes are posted here.

Mequon-Thiensville School Board Meeting
Detailed agendas and meeting information can be found here.
Notice that on this agenda is action to approve the base wage increase for MTSD positions as well as approval of an overnight field trip to the Global Finals for the Lakeshore Destination Imagnation Team, Smartie Salamanders!
Virtual Access: https://zoom.us/j/91261716804 (no passcode required)

Northern Ozaukee School Board Meeting
The Northern Ozaukee School Board meets the third Monday of the month at 6:30pm (unless otherwise noted) at OMS/OHS Library, 401 Highland Drive, Fredonia.
Find links to all meeting agendas and minutes here.

Port Washington-Saukville Regular School Board Meeting
District Office Board Room 100 W. Monroe Street at 6:00pm.
Notice this month that there are updates on the School Improvement Plans!

Spring Election Day!
www.myvote.wi.gov for specific ballot information as well as your polling location.

Judicial Panel
What is the proper role of the judiciary? Find out from these legal experts!

Northern Ozaukee School Board Meeting
The Northern Ozaukee School Board meets the third Monday of the month at 6:30pm (unless otherwise noted) at OMS/OHS Library, 401 Highland Drive, Fredonia.
Find links to all meeting agendas and minutes here.

Mequon-Thiensville School Board Meeting
Detailed agendas and meeting information can be found here.
Notice that this month, the agenda has: -Action To Approve Resolution Authorizing Temporary Borrowing In An Amount Not To Exceed $5,800,000; Issuance of Tax And Revenue Anticipation Promissory Notes; And Participation In The PMA Levy And Aid Anticipation Notes Program
as well as -2020 - TITLE IX - SEXUAL HARASSMENT
Minor changes are proposed to Board Policy 2020 to reflect new leadership in the departments of Human Capital and Student Services. Outside of these updates, there are no other recommended changes.
For more information on the schedule and to register for the livestream click here.

Grafton School Board Meeting
Due to the scheduled break next week, the board will meet a week earlier than usual this month!
You may view meetings via livestream here.
If you missed a meeting, the video archive can be found here.
Find current agendas and meeting information here. The Superintendent has an extensive report this month-check it out!

Cedarburg School Board Meeting
For specific details on this meeting’s agenda, click here.
To access links to both the agenda and further meeting details and information, click here.
If you missed a meeting, videos of past meetings are available if you click here.
Public meeting agendas and minutes are posted here.
After the public comment, the Board will be going into Executive Session. It could be a busy night! From the agenda:
9. Executive Session to deliberate or negotiate the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons pursuant to 19.85(1)(e) of the Wisconsin Statutes.
A. Strategy/planning regarding upcoming negotiations with Cedarburg Education Association
10. Executive session under Wis. Stat. § 19.85(g) for the purpose of conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved.
A. Confer with legal counsel regarding strategy related to the Department of Public Instruction's findings concerning a curriculum complaint
11. Executive session under Wis. Stat. § 19.85(f) for the purpose of considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons except where par. (b) applies which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations.
A. Discuss the investigation of a pupil discrimination complaint filed with the District
12. Executive Session to consider employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility pursuant to 19.85(1)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes.
A. Director of Human Resources Position
13. Reconvene into Open Session
A. It is anticipated the Board may reconvene into Open Session and may take action on one or more of the Executive Session items.
NOTE: Next month’s meeting will be on MONDAY, APRIL 24. Same time, same place!

Port Washington-Saukville Regular School Board Meeting
District Office Board Room 100 W. Monroe Street (unless otherwise noted) at 6:00pm.
Find additional information, including links for agendas, here.

Star Spangled Banner Day
On March 3, 1931, President Herbert Hoover signed a congressional order into law making “The Star-Spangled Banner” America’s national anthem. National Anthem Day falls on March 3 annually commemorating the signing of this law!
Find out more information about our song HERE from the History Channel!

Mequon-Thiensville School Board Meeting
Detailed agendas and meeting information can be found here. NEXT MONTH, THE MEETING WILL BE THE THIRD MONDAY OF MARCH.
For more information on the schedule and to register for the livestream click here.

Grafton School Board Meeting
The Grafton School Board meets the fourth Monday of the month at 6:00pm in the Grafton High School Library, 1950 Washington Street, Grafton. NEXT MONTH WE WILL MEET ON THE THIRD MONDAY.
You may view meetings via livestream here. If you missed a meeting, the video archive can be found here.
Find current agendas and meeting information here.

Northern Ozaukee School Board Meeting
The Northern Ozaukee School Board meets the third Monday of the month at 6:30pm (unless otherwise noted) at OMS/OHS Library, 401 Highland Drive, Fredonia.
Find links to all meeting agendas and minutes here.

Cedarburg School Board Meeting
For specific details on this meeting’s agenda, click here.
To access links to both the agenda and further meeting details and information, click here.
If you missed a meeting, videos of past meetings are available if you click here.
Public meeting agendas and minutes are posted here.

Port Washington-Saukville Regular School Board Meeting
District Office Board Room 100 W. Monroe Street (unless otherwise noted) at 6:00pm.
Find additional information, including links for agendas, here.