Wisconsin’s four parental choice programs have many fine points!
The state needs to add additional enrollment periods for the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program. The state should also end the program’s grade-level entry points, which can prevent families from accessing the program for years.
WI’s parent bill of rights
“Schools should play a supporting role to parents as we lead in raising and educating our children. Parents are not a threat; we are the ones who have our students’ best interests in mind. And we will fight tooth and nail to protect them from what we see to be harmful policies and teachings. The parent bill of rights is a legal step in that direction.”
The Revolving Door Crime Wave
As you read the original part of the article from sixteen years ago updated with the latest crime data from today, it is amazing how many of the issues and insights that Chris raises are still relevant and fundamental to the debate we are having today in this country on lenient sentencing and low bail.
Critical Race Theory
An outgrowth of the European Marxist school of critical theory, critical race theory is an academic movement which seeks to link racism, race, and power.