Who is that Masked Man

There's not much farther to fall once a people decide following insane rules makes sense and then vilify others who point out the insanity and whom also refuse to comply with the rules.

There's no earthly rationale demanding compliance, threatening all manner of coercive actions.  Those doing the threatening and vilifying can very easily conform to their own rules without extorting others.

If you're comfortable wearing a mask, or two, or three, why do you insist others must wear masks who have a more rational assessment?  Shouldn't your multiple layers of protection, like-actually, protect you? Or is it to make others as paranoid and miserable as you? Worse yet, is it to exert power and control? It certainly isn't to protect the masses as is claimed.

Here's a heresy that will get you fired, denied a job or admission to public places. Masks don't work.
And there are increasing questions about the efficacy of the vaccinations. Just look at Israel where over 70% of the population over the age of 12 has been vaccinated. Israel is now seeing "a dramatic surge in new Covid cases.”

NPR reporting tries to soothe the worrisome.  They list reasons for this happenstance. Are these reasons any more believable than the multitude of pronouncements, backtracking, revising, insisting and all other manner of trying to appear knowledgeable by the so-called experts about something they actually have no handle on?

Trying to appear the smartest person in the room doesn't work if others in the room are more informed.  You may be smart.  Being smart doesn't mean you're especially cognizant, well-read, or informed if your goal is to assert your authority and sound like you know what you're talking about.

There is a legitimate rationale for trying to prevent panic and that may be a very hard thing to do when confronted by something potentially deadly (if only in people with advanced age and co-morbidities) and which you don't understand fully.  But making public policy on guesses, then retreating from these policies, doesn't instill confidence in anyone.   This leads people to discount anything you say, leading others to vilify those same people who discount anything you say. But the alternative is to admit you don't know anything-which isn't any more reassuring! Attempts to legitimate your authority by communicating incomplete information that you have to retract only delegitimizes your authority.

Let’s get back to “Masks Don't Work”:

“Masks and respirators do not work. There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.” From “Masks Don’t Work: A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy” - Denis G. Rancourt, PhD This article then cites no less than seven randomized controlled studies proving the point that masks indeed do not work.

We live in an information society in which, at least for now, people have access to … information! Preventing panic is a very legitimate concern as well as a noble goal. However, one can question this goal when it is done at the expense of actual, compelling, conflicting studies contradicting public policy pronouncements and drastic civil liberty restrictive actions.

The fact is, the novel Covid-19 virus and its inevitable variants has a not-so-novel approach to management which doesn’t involve destroying civil liberties: Individual responsibility, and choice, in consultation with your personal healthcare provider.

What a concept.


September 17


Grafton Parents Rally